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Community Development

Montgomery County Community Development Logo2
All inquires into Community Development services or available assistance, please send email to; CDBG.MCTX@MCTX.ORG

Mission Statement:

Montgomery County Community Development works to develop decent housing, a suitable living environment and expanding economic opportunities,
principally for legal low-and moderate-income residents of Montgomery County, Texas.  

Program Overview:

Montgomery County Community Development (MCCD) became operational in 1998 with the submission of the County's first Consolidated Plan, a five-year strategy for managing Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership (HOME), American Dream Down Payment Initiative (ADDI) and other federal entitlement funds for which Montgomery County is eligible under federal statute. On October 1, 2018, Montgomery County began implementation of its third Consolidated Plan, which will be in effect until September 30, 2023. Goals and objectives identified in the Consolidated Plan are achieved through a series of five annual strategic plans, called Annual Action Plans, and are reported on in a series of five year-end reports known as the Consolidated Action Plan Evaluation Report (CAPER). 

Federal entitlement funds are allocated to various jurisdictions based on a complicated formula which includes population, demographics, area of the country, and the total amount of funding made available by Congress each budget year. Census data is used to determine allocations and the appropriateness of proposed projects. 

Montgomery County Community Development is a department of county government, directed by Commissioner's Court and overseen by the Houston Field Office of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. All activities must comply with relevant portions of the Code of Federal Regulations, state and federal statutes, and county rules. For more information regarding specific grants or programs, please click on the relevant link.

CDBG Guideline Summary



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